• Sahng-jeh-nim’s Sacred Remains Dressed as an Emperor
  • “I live and die at will,” Sahng-jeh-nim had always said. The remaining disciples firmly believed that He would return to life through His boundless spiritual power.
  • Each of them brought newly made clothes and tried to put them on Sahng-jeh-nim’s sacred body, causing a commotion.
  • “Quiet!” Hyung-yul yelled and drove them out.
  • He locked the door and instructed Suh Joong-ohk, Gim Ghee-bo, and others to stand guard in case the followers attempted to push their way in.
  • Hyung-yul had prepared two new sets of clothes, one of which he had dressed Sahng-jeh-nim in immediately after His ascension, and the other of which was to be used in preparing the body for burial.
  • Hyung-yul oversaw the preparation of Sahng-jeh-nim’s sacred remains.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim’s face, rather than turning ashen, remained radiant and gently smiling.
  • Many disciples found this mysterious, and they exclaimed, “He’s not dead! He’s smiling! Our Teacher is not dead!” They were hesitant to begin the ceremony of preparing the body.
  • After calming them down, Hyung-yul placed a crown on Sahng-jeh-nim’s head and dressed Him in a yellow robe that looked fit for an emperor. Sahng-jeh-nim’s face was gently smiling, as though He would wake up at any moment.
  • 10 At the time of Sahng-jeh-nim’s passing, Hyung-yul had taken the jade flute from Sahng-jeh-nim’s clothes. After the ceremony of preparing the body, Hyung-yul put the flute inside the robe, saying, “Even in heaven, He will need this.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 10,53)

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