• Middle Heaven Spirits and Yellow Fountain Spirits
  • “Spirits without descendants on earth are called middle heaven spirits. Spirits with descendants are called yellow fountain spirits.
  • Because middle heaven spirits have no place to go, they must stay close to yellow fountain spirits, who provide them with rice and water. Full of bitterness and grief, they entreat Me to rectify this.
  • From now on, middle heaven spirits are in charge of blessings. Having no prejudice, they will grant the blessing of progeny equally.”
  • Spirits in All Things and All Matters
  • “Heaven and earth are filled with spirits. A leaf dries or an earthen wall collapses when a spirit leaves. A thorn goes under a fingernail when a spirit enters.”
  • Spirits Respond to People’s Minds
  • “In all matters, only when you set your mind right and act accordingly can you accomplish great things.
  • If you possess a crooked mind, a wicked spirit spoils the work.
  • If you approach your work without faith, a jesting spirit turns it into a joke.
  • If you have a covetous mind, a thieving spirit corrupts the work.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 2,87)

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