• A Work of Renewal for Publishing the Dojeon
  • One day, Sahng-jeh-nim said to Hyung-yul, “A person who is going to spread dao should know well Zhu Xi’s ‘Preface to the Commentary on The Great Learning.’” He then recited it:
  • 右 經一章 蓋孔子之言 而曾子述之
    其傳十章 則曾子之意 而門人 記之也
    舊本 頗有錯簡
    今因程子所定 而更考經文 別爲序次 如左
  • The preceding classic is in the words of Confucius as recorded by Cengzi.
  • The ten following chapters of explanation contain the views of Cengzi as recorded by his disciples.
  • In old copies of the work, because of the disarrangement of the bamboo tablets, there was much confusion.
  • Based on the conclusions made by Chengzi, I reexamined the classic and
  • rearranged the ten chapters in the following order.

  • (JSD Dojeon 6,80)

    No Records.