• Vigilance in the Work Under Heaven
  • At around midnight, in Gu-rit-gohl Village, Sahng-jeh-nim told the disciples to go to sleep.
  • The disciples undressed and went to sleep, but just a couple of hours later, Sahng-jeh-nim woke them and urged them to hurry. “Get up quickly and prepare some food.”
  • They got up quickly and had hardly started a fire to cook the rice when Sahng-jeh-nim demanded, “Hurry and bring in the food.”
  • “We have barely poured the water and lit the fire,” a disciple hesitantly answered. “It is not ready yet.”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim cautioned them, “If you are conducting the work under heaven, your thoughts should be forward-looking and deep. Be prepared for unexpected events and be alert.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 8,31)

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