• The Dae-du-mohk’s Thread of Enlightenment
  • One day, when a disciple asked for enlightenment, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “When the time comes, I will first grant enlightenment to the Dae-du-mohk.
  • Leading all the spirits of enlightenment, the Dae-du-mohk will enlighten each of you according to your accomplishments.”
  • On another occasion, He said, “Among people there is a person, among ways there is a way, among places there is a place.”
  • Pulse of Dao, Pulse of Life
  • “When you are sick, your pulse is checked before anything else. If the pulse stops, you die.
  • Your mother brought you into this world, but you live only when there is one to convey the pulse of dao.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 8,57)

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