• Ho-yun’s Life Span Is Increased
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said to Ho-yun, “For you, the Venerable Seed That Mediates Immortality, I have borrowed some life span to extend your life. You must live long in order to become the person you are destined to be.”
  • “If I live long, who will take care of me and feed me?” Ho-yun asked. “If I am to wait for the time, shouldn’t You teach me the principles of the world?”
  • “Though you do not know, spirits know.”
  • Then, He said to Himself, with a worried look, “So that the pulse can continue, I have brought a young child and offered her to heaven and earth as the Venerable Seed That Mediates Immortality.
  • I cannot order her death, but if she is left as she is, someone will kill her. What should I do with her?”

  • (JSD Dojeon 9,110)

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