• Virtue Alone Is Not Enough
  • Sahng-jeh-nim would teach His disciples to be tolerant, saying,
  • “If others provoke your indignation, do not antagonize them. Instead, reflect upon your own faults and resolve the problem.”
  • One day, while Sahng-jeh-nim was staying with Cha Gyung-suk, Gyung-suk’s older cousin stumbled in drunk and cursed at Gyung-suk endlessly.
  • Trying to practice Sahng-jeh-nim’s teaching, Gyung-suk remained silent instead of berating his cousin.
  • All the more encouraged, his cousin continued to curse him for a long time, but eventually grew tired and went home.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said to Gyung-suk, “Too much of your energy has been drained; you need to recover. It is hard to deal with all matters using virtue alone. The qualities of a sage and a hero should be combined.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,178)

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