• Granting Dao Mastery
  • “In the coming world, dao mastery will be granted according to dao rank and position.
  • Believe and practice with sincerity, attentiveness, and faithfulness. Those of superior endowment will heal with a look,
  • those of average endowment will heal with a touch,
  • and those of low endowment will heal by chanting mantras.”
  • Enlightening the Minds of All People
  • One day, Sahng-jeh-nim said to His disciples, “Confucius led seventy-two people to enlightenment, and Shakyamuni Buddha led five hundred.
  • I will enlighten the minds of all people to varying degrees so that they will understand their missions in life.
  • No man will desire another man’s wife, and no woman will desire another woman’s husband.
  • No one will pick up the lost belongings of others from the ground, and the mountains will be free of bandits.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 7,8)

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