• The Mother Who Saves Humanity
  • The outhouse for Tae-mo-nim’s home in Yohng-hwa Village was poorly constructed.
  • One day, as She was entering it, She bumped Her head on a plank of wood. The blow knocked Her unconscious.
  • About one hour later, She regained consciousness and shouted, “Is there any human who is actually a human? That lethal qi! That lethal qi of his! Sahng-ho is a big thief.”
  • On another occasion, when stepping outside to go to the outhouse, She fell to the ground and was again knocked unconscious.
  • When She awoke, She said to Herself, “There is no one who is right in this world! Nevertheless, I have to save them.”
  • These incidents occurred as part of the work of renewal for atoning for humanity’s transgressions.
  • According to the way of spirits, all humans deserve to die because of their transgressions, but Tae-mo-nim protects them with Her embrace. It is the great compassion and great mercy of the Mother that saves people at the time of gae-byuk.

  • (JSD Dojeon 11,215)

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