• A Person Greater Than Heaven
  • One day, when Sahng-jeh-nim and Ho-yun were on a mountain, He had her sit down, and suddenly He was nowhere to be seen.
  • Scared, she wept loudly. “I am here,” came Sahng-jeh-nim’s voice from somewhere.
    “Where is here, You puppy?”
  • “You little rascal! I am a person greater than heaven. How dare you call Me puppy!”
  • A moment later, Ho-yun called out, “Mister Gahng!”
    “Because You are Mister Gahng, You are a puppy.”
  • “Don’t say that,” Sahng-jeh-nim said, and poked her in the left eye.
  • He did this to protect her. Though she was a little girl, the spirits of heaven and earth would have punished her severely for showing disrespect.

  • (JSD Dojeon 2,85)

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