• The Gravest Transgression
  • “When transgressions are reflected by the ‘mirror of ten thousand people’ and you recognize your own transgressions, your regrets will not avail you.
  • Ruining another’s heavenly relationship is the gravest transgression.
  • having an affair with a married woman is such a grievous wrong that i will do nothing for you in this matter.”
  • Those Who Have Transgressed
  • Walking along a wide road with Ho-yun, Sahng-jeh-nim asked, “Should I walk in the center of the road or along the side? Should I take a side trail?”
  • “What are You talking about?”
    “Those who have transgressed find it difficult to walk down a road in the open.
  • They walk along the side of the road without pride, shifting their eyes left and right. If you look into a person’s eyes, you can tell whether or not that person has a just mind.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 2,80)

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