Those aware of the flow of the world have the qi of life.
Those ignorant of the flow of the world have the qi of death.
(Dojeon 5:259:20)
Today, humanity stands on the threshold of abandoning an antiquated era and embracing a new heaven and earth, civilization, and humanity. The coming change will be profound, universal, and vital. Presently, the corruption of materialism dominates the world, and people’s minds are riddled with hypocrisy, their lives ruled by confrontation. Extreme weather patterns and natural disasters brought about by the destruction of the ecosystem are threatening all life. These events signify that the cycle of the universe―the cosmic year―is reaching the transition period between cosmic seasons: gae-byuk. Humanity will soon face the time of gae-byuk (開闢)―a term derived from chun-gae-jee-byuk (天開地闢), “heaven opens, earth opens堂when the cosmic summer changes to the cosmic autumn, fundamentally altering nature, civilization, the way of spirits, and the destiny of humanity. In Jeung San Do, we call this period the Autumn Gae-byuk or the Later Heaven Gae-byuk.
Over one hundred years ago, Sahng-jeh-nim (God the Father) was the first in all of Eastern and Western history to proclaim and fully describe the Later Heaven Gae-byuk. The precept of gae-byuk applies to heaven and earth and to the realms of humanity and spirits, and it answers the mysteries of nature, explains the secrets of civilization, and resolves the limitations of Eastern and Western religions and philosophies. After Sahng-jeh-nim’s ascension to heaven, the truth of gae-byuk was widely disseminated by the successor of His dao lineage and authority, Tae-mo-min (God the Mother). We can feel the breath of Their spirits in the pages of the Dojeon.
The original Dojeon was published in Korean on October 25, 1992 for the 122nd commemoration of Sahng-jeh-nim’s birth, and it entailed twenty years of extensive research and fieldwork by Jeung San Do practitioners as they compiled the written and oral testimonies of Sahng-jeh-nim’s and Tae-mo-nim’s disciples, the disciples’ descendents, and the disciples’ students. The publication of the 2003 revised edition took an additional eleven years of effort involving further research and extensive review of old and new testimonials to verify and discover dates, sites, events, and people related to Sahng-jeh-nim’s and Tae-mo-nim’s works of renewing heaven and earth. The foreign-language translations of the Dojeon are based mostly on the 1992 Korean edition, with some translated verses from the revised 2003 Korean edition. Thus, the Dojeon represents thirty years of dedication by many people; it is the culmination of Jeung San Do’s culture.
Arranged in eleven chapters, the Dojeon spans Sahng-jeh-nim’s and Tae-mo-nim’s lives, their work, their disciples, the principle upon which the universe evolves, the ultimate destiny of humanity, the existence of spirits, meditation, the times we live in, the coming civilization, and much more. Through the Dojeon, the reader can begin the process of understanding Jeung San Do’s Eight Teachings: Sahng-jeh-nim; Cosmology; Humanity; Spirits and Tae-eul Mantra Meditation; Human History (The Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth); Salvation (Events of the Autumn Gae-byuk); The Su-bu (Dao Lineage and Authority); The Il-ggoon (“Workers”) of the Work Under Heaven.
The Dojeon records Sahng-jeh-nim and Tae-mo-nim’s blueprints for the future, revealing the true path that will allow the people of the world to survive the Later Heaven Gae-byuk and enter the new civilization of immortality. This makes the Dojeon history’s greatest gift―a sacred text of life, not filled with words of despair and tears, but with a radiant and vivid vision of joy and hope for a future that transcends the limitations of modern civilization. But to appreciate the Dojeon’s sacred truth, one must first understand Sahng-jeh-nim and Tae-mo-nim.