• Teaching Young Children Well
  • Hyung-yul’s youngest son, Chul-lee-ma, who had been named by Sahng-jeh-nim, was clever and learned reading and writing easily. Also, he could run quickly.
  • When Chul-lee-ma was little, Sahng-jeh-nim would say to him, “Run one thousand lee, Chul-lee-ma! Run ten thousand lee, Mahl-lee-ma!” And the boy would run.
  • For the Lunar New Year celebrations, the women made a seesaw out of a large plank and a bundle of straw.
  • “Jump over the bundle of straw,” Sahng-jeh-nim said to the boy. Later, Sahng-jeh-nim remarked, “Children should be taught when they are young.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,117)

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