• Renewing Minds and Conveying Dao
  • In teaching the disciples, Sahng-jeh-nim rarely wrote anything. He usually taught them orally.
  • He would have them all sit in rows on a round straw mat in the yard outside of the medicine room.
  • Rather than teaching each of them individually, He would first teach a few, and then they would teach the others.
  • If a disciple tried to undermine this order by insisting on being taught in person,
  • Sahng-jeh-nim would call him a rogue and slap him. The disciple’s face would look as if it had been scratched by thorns, but instantly the marks would vanish.
  • When the disciples read from books, Sahng-jeh-nim knew who was doing well and who was doing poorly just by walking behind them once.
  • He then had those who were doing well teach those who were doing poorly.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim allowed three chances to anyone who read the text incorrectly.
  • On the fourth failed attempt, the disciple would find himself on top of a tree or dangling from a branch.
  • 10 Fearing this, they all concentrated on their reading.

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,162)

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