• Happy to Be in Sahng-jeh-nim’s Presence
  • When the disciples gathered, they all tried to sit next to Sahng-jeh-nim. When they had a meal together, if Sahng-jeh-nim left some rice in His bowl, they all wanted to eat it.
  • Even when He rebuked them, they were all happy to be in His presence.
  • Once, a disciple danced while threshing beans. Sahng-jeh-nim asked, “Does seeing Me make you that happy?”
  • If someone was seen at a great distance, walking along the road leading toward the village, Sahng-jeh-nim could say who was coming.
  • Usually, Sahng-jeh-nim told the disciples where to sit and spoke to them informally.
  • Sometimes, when He spoke to them in the presence of other people, He used more formal language.
  • He was warm-hearted to everyone He met; and whether speaking or silent, moving or still, happy or angry, He demonstrated propriety. But He sometimes behaved in a way incomprehensible to others.
  • The Disciples Show Their Respect
  • When the disciples visited Sahng-jeh-nim, outside the room they performed the customary bow in which they kneeled and lowered their heads to the ground.
  • If someone did not perform this bow, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Look at him. He does not bow, as though he were a steel rod!”
  • 10 If a disciple simply bowed while standing, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “Only a sedan chair bearer bows like that.”
  • 11 If a disciple did not kneel for fear of dirtying his new clothes, Sahng-jeh-nim slapped him on the cheek. “Are your clothes that important, fool?”
  • 12 In His presence, they always kneeled. Hyung-yul was an exception. Ever since his third daughter began attending on Sahng-jeh-nim, Hyung-yul could sit less formally, as if he were Sahng-jeh-nim’s father-in-law.
  • 13 If any disciple forgot himself and relaxed, Sahng-jeh-nim would reprehend him. “You! Are you asleep?”
  • 14 If someone tried to sit comfortably because his legs hurt, Sahng-jeh-nim thundered, “How dare you sit like that in My presence?” Then, He hit the man or struck him in the lap with lightning.
  • 15 Anyone wanting to see Sahng-jeh-nim would have to first go through Hyung-yul or sometimes Ho-yun.

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,97)

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