- When the Time Is Right, Gae-byuk Occurs
- 1 Sahng-jeh-nim said, “No matter how anxiously you await gae-byuk, it will not come any sooner. When the time is ripe, gae-byuk takes place in the blink of an eye. When it comes, it will happen that quickly.
- 2 The day will arrive only when heaven and earth are willing. It will arrive at a specific time.
- 3 Just as a baby comes out of the mother’s womb after ten months, the gae-byuk of heaven and earth will occur only when the time is right.”
- 4 On another occasion, He said, “In the future, the time will struggle along in years, then in months, days, hours, and finally minutes. Keep careful watch on the great flow.”
- Following Sahng-jeh-nim Through the Bond of Three Lives
- 7 A disciple asked, “Shakyamuni Buddha is said to have taught his disciples, ‘Perform many good deeds and you will live in the paradise of Dragon Flower.’
- 8 Can the people of his time participate in the coming world?”
- 9 “Only through the bond of three lives is one able to follow Me,” Sahng-jeh-nim replied.
- (JSD Dojeon 7,10)