• How the Work Under Heaven Proceeds
  • One day, Chey Duk-gyum asked Sahng-jeh-nim, “How will the work under heaven proceed?”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim wrote the Twelve Earthly Branches horizontally:
  • 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥
    ja (rat) chook (ox) in (tiger) myo (rabbit) jin (dragon) sa (snake) oh (horse) mee (sheep) shin (monkey) yu (chicken) sool (dog) hae (pig)
  • He then said, “This is how it will be.”
  • “It is difficult to understand,” Gim Ja-hyun said. “How can we know by simply reading the Twelve Earthly Branches when the work under heaven will be accomplished?”
  • Above the Twelve Earthly Branches, Sahng-jeh-nim wrote the Ten Heavenly Stems:
  • 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸
    gahp eul byung jung mu ghee gyung shin im gyeh
  • He then asked Cha Gyung-suk, “Do you understand?”
  • “No, I do not.”
  • “Only the enlightened whose insides are as empty as bamboo can understand,” Sahng-jeh-nim said.
  • “It is like a reed on a loom and a hair comb. Do you understand?”
    “No, I do not,” Gyung-suk answered.
  • “You cannot understand through study within the mainstream of the Early Heaven. You will understand it through study outside the mainstream.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 7,62)

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