• Know What Comes First and What Comes Later
  • Sahng-jeh-nim recited the following passages from The Great Learning and said, “They are a guide for human action.”
  • 物有本末 事有終始 知所先後 則近道矣
  • In all things, there are roots and branches. In all matters, there is an end and a beginning. If you know what should be done first and what should be done later, you are close to dao.
  • 其本亂而末治者否矣
  • Nothing exists that has order in its branches but disorder in its roots.
  • 其所厚者薄 而其所薄者厚 未之有也
  • No one would neglect that which is of great importance and yet take good care of that which is of slight importance.
  • What Needs to Be Done
  • Today, do what needs to be done today.
    Tomorrow, do what needs to be done tomorrow.

  • (JSD Dojeon 8,12)

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