• Cultivating Yourself
  • To govern yourself
    is more valuable than a thousand gold coins.
  • In an instant, security or danger
    depends on how you direct your mind.
  • 潛心之下 道德存焉
    反掌之間 兵法在焉
  • Dao and virtue rest within a tranquil mind.
    There is strategy even within the turning of a hand.
  • One Mind Like Evergreen Pines and Erect Bamboo
  • “Maintaining a steadfast mind is more difficult than dying.
  • Your mind is apt to change in twelve different directions. Have one mind like evergreen pines and erect bamboo.”
  • 口重崑崙山 心深黃河水
  • Keep your lips as heavy as the Kunlun Mountains
    and your mind as deep as the Yellow River.
  • To Become a Great Person
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said that to become a great person:
  • 取天下之長 捨天下之短
  • You must adopt all the merits of people
    and abandon all the faults of people.

  • (JSD Dojeon 8,3)

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