• Sahng-jeh-nim Oversees Blessings and Wealth
  • A person’s blessings lie in the thread of wealth. A person’s longevity lies in the thread of life.
  • The Lord of Creative Change, Jeung-san Sahng-jeh-nim, governs wealth and life as the Father of All Life.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said to the disciples, “Since the year 1901, I have taken personal charge of the affairs of the world.
  • In this world, longevity is considered more important than blessings and wealth. There is no greater curse, however, than a long life lacking blessings and wealth.
  • Therefore, I consider blessings and wealth greater in importance than longevity. If wealth runs out, you die.
  • I oversee people’s blessings and wealth.
  • Few people receive these because few have one mind. This is regrettable.
  • I will grant blessings and wealth to all who achieve one mind.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 9,1)

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