• Boasting of Good Deeds
  • One day, a disciple asked Sahng-jeh-nim, “You have cured the sick, brought the dead back to life, and granted blessings to the poor.
  • You have also given children to the childless. Why do You not have a son of Your own?”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim turned His head and scowled at the disciple. “Are you trying to make someone a thief?”
  • On another occasion, Hyung-yul asked, “You have cured the sick and made it possible for those who could not have children to have children, yet You do not speak of it. Is there any reason?”
  • “I do only what I need to do. It does not matter if others know. Boasting of good deeds is the behavior of a trivial person.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 9,92)

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