• Sahng-jeh-nim Ascends to Heaven
  • Ho-yun saw the gate of heaven open wide. More commander spirits, all in identical attire, carrying flags and armed with swords and spears, came down on horseback.
  • Female immortals clasping red ropes lowered a royal throne with a gold footrest.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim quickly called out, “Hyung-yul!” Then, He said, “Live well. I am going.”
  • The spirits chanted a mantra Ho-yun could not understand, but the sound was majestic as it reverberated throughout the sky.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim ascended on the throne from heaven. The spirits on horseback escorted Him on both sides.
  • The sight was solemn and magnificent. The majestic road to heaven opened amidst brilliant light.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim’s sacred spirit said, “In the future, I will come down like this.”
  • As soon as He ascended through the gate of heaven, it closed.
  • 10 The rain fell heavier and terrific cracks of thunder and lightning shook heaven and earth. For a brief moment, there was complete darkness.
  • 11 Hwahng Eung-johng brought his face to Sahng-jeh-nim’s and realized Sahng-jeh-nim had let out His last breath.

  • (JSD Dojeon 10,47)

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