• Su-bu-nim’s Enlightenment
    and the First Household
  • The First Chee-sung in Honor of Sahng-jeh-nim’s Birth
  • In September 1911, Su-bu-nim returned to Dae-heung Village from Her stay at Gyung-su’s house and told Gyung-suk to prepare for a chee-sung in honor of Sahng-jeh-nim’s birth.
  • To buy what was needed for the ceremony, Gyung-suk used some of the money he had borrowed to set up a grain trading business.
  • They held the chee-sung early in the morning on September 19. This began the tradition of annually holding a great chee-sung on the day of Sahng-jeh-nim’s birth.

  • (JSD Dojeon 11,15)

    No Records.