• Two Roads: Accomplishment or Transgression
  • After the chee-sung on April 8, 1929, Tae-mo-nim asked the disciples, “Do you know the meaning of origination, proliferation, benefit, and firmness?”
  • Gim Wun-myung answered, “It means to follow the basic principle and proper rules in any matter.”
  • “There are two roads in origination, proliferation, benefit, and firmness,” Tae-mo-nim said. “Accomplishment goes to the place of its origin. Transgression goes to the place of its origin.”
  • She also said, “Even that which you forget, I know. Concentrate on the study that is unknown to others.
  • What wrong you have done, even heaven cannot undo; what you have accomplished, even heaven cannot take away.”
  • On a later date, Tae-mo-nim said, “April 8 is Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday. The ceremony in honor of this day should be held in a Buddhist temple. It has no relation to us.
  • From now on, the chee-sung for April shall be held according to the calendar of twenty-four seasons. This is so that you will return to your original roots.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 11,159)

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