• A Lot of Dry Husks
  • The followers repeatedly heard Tae-mo-nim say, “No one . . . . No one is there.” They thought that perhaps She said this because so few people attended the center.
  • One day, they had a meeting and decided that, to please Tae-mo-nim, they would gather many people for the following chee-sung.
  • Preparations for the chee-sung on April 8 were made with great care, and eight hundred people attended.
  • Thinking that Tae-mo-nim would not be disappointed this time, those who had planned the gathering were pleased with themselves.
  • When Tae-mo-nim arrived at the hall, She looked around at the crowd, clicked Her tongue, and said, “You have collected a lot of dry husks. No matter how hard I look, I cannot find a single grain of rice.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 11,50)

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