- Believe in Yourself First
- 1 Go Chahn-hohng said farewell to Tae-mo-nim before setting out to visit his home.
- 2 Just as he was about to step out into the yard, Tae-mo-nim asked, “Chahn-hohng, whom do you believe in?”
“I believe in myself,” he replied.
- 3 “Is that true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“Is that true?” she repeated.
Again, he answered, “It is true.”
- 4 Tae-mo-nim then asked, “And after yourself?”
“Next, I believe in Jeung-san Sahng-jeh-nim.”
- 5 “Make sure it is so,” said Tae-mo-nim. “If you do not believe in yourself, you cannot believe in Sahng-jeh-nim.”
- (JSD Dojeon 11,58)