• The Devotion of Ancestral Spirits
  • “It takes infinite dedication for heaven to beget a human being.
  • Ancestral spirits devote more than sixty years to begetting a single worthy descendant, but there are many spirits who are unable to produce any.
  • How can you―the culmination of such arduous labors―spend your fleeting dream of a life in vain?
  • Value highly the unseen devotion of your ancestral spirits.”
  • The Tae-eul Mantra Resolves
    the Bitterness and Grief of Your Ancestral Spirits
  • “Chant the Tae-eul Mantra many times. It is the mantra that returns you to your roots. It is the mantra that resolves the bitterness and grief of your ancestral spirits.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 2,101)

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