• Sahng-jeh-nim Forbids Speaking Ill of Others
  • Quarreling over a trivial matter with Gim Hyung-yul’s relatives, Gohng-ooh shouted, “I’ll kill all the Gims in Gu-rit-gohl Village!” Sahng-jeh-nim stopped the quarrel by reprimanding him.
  • Later, when Gohng-ooh came to Hyung-yul’s house, he found the whole Gim family assembled there.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said to Gohng-ooh, “You should not have come here. This is the place of your death.”
  • Gohng-ooh replied, “There are many Gims, but why should I be afraid?”
  • Hearing this, all the Gims laughed, and Gohng-ooh laughed as well. They were reconciled.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim forbade the disciples to speak ill of others, preventing the creation of vengeful energy that would backlash on them. This was to prevent the retaliation of vengeful spirits.

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,180)

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