• Gohng-ooh and the Umbrella
  • Traveling on foot with Gohng-ooh, Sahng-jeh-nim told him to buy an umbrella and carry it along.
  • This seemed strange to Gohng-ooh because Sahng-jeh-nim, who never got wet in the rain, had no use for an umbrella.
  • Unexpectedly, it started to rain, and Sahng-jeh-nim told him to open the umbrella. Gohng-ooh wanted Sahng-jeh-nim to walk under it, but Sahng-jeh-nim refused. While each of them insisted the other should use the umbrella, both got drenched with rain.
  • Sahng-jeh-nim said, “From now on, do not carry an umbrella. Being dependent and of two minds prevents spirits from protecting you.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 3,179)

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