• Those Who Think of Sahng-jeh-nim
  • One day, Gim Gahp-chil asked Sahng-jeh-nim, “Can a mediocre and lowly person like me receive the blessings of the coming world?”
  • Sahng-jeh-nim looked at him with a serious face and loudly said, “Gahp-chil, what are you saying? This is the time of wish fulfillment.”
  • On another occasion, Sahng-jeh-nim said, “The wealthy and prosperous live in complacency. Lacking room for any other thoughts, they devote themselves to perpetuating their wealth. How could their thoughts include Me?
  • The poor ponder their fate and eagerly await the day of completion. As their fate closes in on them, they will think of Me. They are My people.
  • Only those who eat My food will carry out My work.
  • The lives and deaths of all people lie in your hands.
  • In the future, heaven will kill all but perhaps one in ten lee. Do you not think some seeds should be kept?
  • People have capacity whether it is great or small. Strive to expand your capacity. People of small caliber are easily swayed. The slightest wind blows them away.”

  • (JSD Dojeon 8,7)

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